CS8392 Object Oriented Programming Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17


CS8392 Object Oriented Programming Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17

CS8392   OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING         L T P C  3  0 0 3

 OBJECTIVES:  To understand Object Oriented Programming concepts and basic characteristics of Java  To know the principles of packages,  inheritance and interfaces  To define exceptions and use I/O streams   To develop a java application with threads and generics classes  To design and build simple Graphical User Interfaces

UNIT I              INTRODUCTION TO OOP AND JAVA FUNDAMENTALS                           10  Object Oriented Programming - Abstraction – objects and classes - Encapsulation- Inheritance -  Polymorphism- OOP in  Java – Characteristics of Java – The Java Environment -  Java Source File  -Structure – Compilation.  Fundamental Programming Structures in Java – Defining classes in Java – constructors, methods -access  specifiers - static members -Comments, Data Types, Variables, Operators, Control Flow, Arrays , Packages - JavaDoc comments.

UNIT II          INHERITANCE AND INTERFACES                                                                      9 Inheritance – Super classes- sub classes –Protected members – constructors in sub classes- the Object class – abstract classes and methods- final methods and classes – Interfaces – defining an interface, implementing interface, differences between classes and interfaces and extending interfaces - Object cloning -inner classes, Array Lists -  Strings

UNIT III         EXCEPTION HANDLING AND I/O                                                                      9 Exceptions - exception hierarchy - throwing and catching exceptions – built-in exceptions, creating own exceptions, Stack Trace Elements. Input / Output Basics – Streams – Byte streams and Character streams – Reading and Writing Console – Reading and Writing Files

UNIT IV         MULTITHREADING AND GENERIC PROGRAMMING                                 8 Differences between multi-threading and multitasking, thread life cycle, creating threads, synchronizing threads, Inter-thread communication, daemon threads, thread groups. Generic Programming – Generic classes – generic methods – Bounded Types – Restrictions and Limitations.

UNIT V          EVENT DRIVEN PROGRAMMING                                                                      9 Graphics programming - Frame – Components - working with 2D shapes - Using color, fonts, and images - Basics of event handling - event handlers - adapter classes - actions - mouse events - AWT event hierarchy - Introduction to Swing – layout  management - Swing Components – Text Fields , Text Areas – Buttons- Check Boxes – Radio Buttons – Lists- choices- Scrollbars – Windows –Menus – Dialog Boxes.

OUTCOMES: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:  Develop  Java programs using OOP principles   Develop  Java programs  with the concepts  inheritance and interfaces  Build Java applications using  exceptions and  I/O streams   Develop  Java applications with threads and generics classes  Develop interactive Java programs using swings

1. Herbert Schildt, ―Java The complete reference‖, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2011.
2. Cay S. Horstmann, Gary cornell, ―Core Java Volume –I Fundamentals‖, 9th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2013.

1. Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, ―Java SE 8 for programmers‖, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2015.
2. Steven Holzner, ―Java 2 Black book‖, Dreamtech press, 2011. 3. Timothy Budd, ―Understanding Object-oriented programming with Java‖, Updated Edition, Pearson Education, 2000.

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