MA8551 Algebra and Number Theory Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17

MA8551 Algebra and Number Theory Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17

MA8551       ALGEBRA AND NUMBER THEORY   L    T    P    C  4    0    0    4 

OBJECTIVES:  To introduce the basic notions of groups, rings, fields which will then be used to solve related problems.   To introduce and apply the concepts of rings, finite fields and polynomials.    To understand the basic concepts in number theory  To examine the key questions in the Theory of Numbers.  To give an integrated approach to number theory and abstract algebra, and provide a firm basis for further reading and study in the subject.

UNIT I          GROUPS AND RINGS                                                                                               12 Groups : Definition - Properties - Homomorphism - Isomorphism - Cyclic groups - Cosets - Lagrange's theorem. Rings: Definition - Sub rings - Integral domain - Field - Integer modulo n - Ring homomorphism.       

UNIT II     FINITE FIELDS AND POLYNOMIALS                                                                     12 Rings - Polynomial rings - Irreducible polynomials over finite fields - Factorization of polynomials over finite fields.           

UNIT III     DIVISIBILITY THEORY AND CANONICAL DECOMPOSITIONS                   12 Division algorithm – Base - b representations – Number patterns – Prime and composite numbers – GCD – Euclidean algorithm – Fundamental theorem of arithmetic – LCM.

UNIT IV     DIOPHANTINE EQUATIONS AND CONGRUENCES                                          12  Linear Diophantine equations – Congruence‘s – Linear Congruence‘s - Applications: Divisibility tests - Modular exponentiation-Chinese remainder theorem – 2 x 2 linear systems.

UNIT V       CLASSICAL THEOREMS AND MULTIPLICATIVE FUNCTIONS                    12 Wilson‘s theorem – Fermat‘s little theorem – Euler‘s theorem – Euler‘s  Phi  functions – Tau and Sigma functions.

OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:   Apply the basic notions of groups, rings, fields which will then be used to solve related problems.   Explain the fundamental concepts of advanced algebra and their role in modern             mathematics and applied contexts.   Demonstrate accurate and efficient use of advanced algebraic techniques.          Demonstrate their mastery by solving non - trivial problems related to the concepts, and by proving simple theorems about the, statements proven by the text.  Apply  integrated  approach to number theory and abstract algebra, and provide a firm basis for further reading and study in the subject.

1. Grimaldi, R.P and Ramana, B.V., "Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics", Pearson           Education, 5th Edition, New Delhi, 2007.  2. Koshy, T., ―Elementary Number Theory with Applications‖, Elsevier Publications,  New Delhi, 2002.

1. Lidl, R. and Pitz, G, "Applied Abstract Algebra", Springer Verlag, New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2006. 2. Niven, I., Zuckerman.H.S., and Montgomery, H.L., ―An Introduction to Theory of Numbers‖, John Wiley and Sons , Singapore, 2004.
3. San Ling and Chaoping Xing, ―Coding Theory – A first Course‖, Cambridge Publications, Cambridge, 2004.

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