EC8351 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17

EC8351 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17

EC8351                                  ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS I                                       L T P C 3 0 0 3 

 To understand the methods of biasing transistors  To design and analyze single stage and multistage amplifier circuits  To analyze the frequency response of small signal amplifiers  To design and analyze the regulated DC power supplies.  To troubleshoot and fault analysis of power supplies.

UNIT I  BIASING OF DISCRETE BJT, JFET AND MOSFET                                                  9 BJT– Need for biasing - DC Load Line and Bias Point – DC analysis of Transistor circuits - Various biasing methods of BJT – Bias Circuit Design - Thermal stability - Stability factors - Bias compensation techniques using Diode, thermistor and sensistor – Biasing BJT Switching CircuitsJFET - DC Load Line and Bias Point - Various biasing methods of JFET - JFET Bias Circuit Design - MOSFET Biasing - Biasing FET Switching Circuits.

UNIT II  BJT AMPLIFIERS                                                                                                           9 Small Signal Hybrid π equivalent circuit of BJT – Early effect - Analysis of CE, CC and CB amplifiers using Hybrid π equivalent circuits - AC Load Line Analysis- Darlington Amplifier - Bootstrap technique - Cascade, Cascode configurations - Differential amplifier, Basic BJT differential pair – Small signal analysis and CMRR.

UNIT III  SINGLE STAGE FET, MOSFET AMPLIFIERS                                                        9  Small Signal Hybrid π equivalent circuit of FET and MOSFET - Analysis of CS, CD and CG amplifiers using Hybrid π equivalent circuits - Basic FET differential pair- BiCMOS circuits.

UNIT IV  FREQUENCY RESPONSE OF AMPLIFIERS                                                           9 Amplifier frequency response – Frequency response of transistor amplifiers with circuit capacitors – BJT frequency response – short circuit current gain - cut off frequency – fα, fβ and unity gain bandwidth – Miller effect - frequency response of FET - High frequency analysis of CE and MOSFET CS amplifier - Transistor Switching Times.

UNIT V   POWER SUPPLIES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICE TESTING                                9 Linear mode power supply - Rectifiers - Filters - Half-Wave Rectifier Power Supply - Full-Wave Rectifier Power Supply - Voltage regulators: Voltage regulation - Linear series, shunt and switching Voltage Regulators - Over voltage protection - BJT and MOSFET – Switched mode power supply (SMPS) - Power Supply Performance and Testing - Troubleshooting and Fault Analysis, Design of Regulated DC Power Supply.

OUTCOMES: After studying this course, the student should be able to:  Acquire knowledge of  Working principles, characteristics and applications of BJT and FET  Frequency response characteristics of BJT and FET amplifiers  Analyze the performance of small signal BJT and FET amplifiers - single stage and multi stage amplifiers  Apply the knowledge gained in the design of Electronic circuits

1. Donald. A. Neamen, Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd., 2010. (Unit I-IV)
2. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nasheresky, ―Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory‖, 11th Edition, Pearson Education, 2013. (Unit V)

1. Millman J, Halkias.C.and Sathyabrada Jit, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 4th Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd., 2015.
2. Salivahanan and N. Suresh Kumar, Electronic Devices and Circuits, 4th Edition, , Mc Graw Hill Education (India) Private Ltd., 2017.
3. Floyd, Electronic Devices, Ninth Edition, Pearson Education, 2012.
4. David A. Bell, Electronic Devices & Circuits, 5th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2008.
5. Anwar A. Khan and Kanchan K. Dey, A First Course on Electronics, PHI, 2006.
6. Rashid M, Microelectronics Circuits, Thomson Learning, 2007.

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