Anna University Syllabus Regulation 21 (Sem-11) CIRCUIT ANALYSIS





● To learn the basic concepts and behaviour of DC and AC circuits.

● To understand various methods of circuit/ network analysis using network theorems.

● To understand the transient and steady state response of the circuits subjected to DC excitations and AC with sinusoidal excitations.

● To learn the concept of coupling in circuits and topologies. 

UNIT I                                              DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS                                               12       

Basic Components of electric Circuits, Charge, current, Voltage and Power, Voltage and Current Sources, Ohms Law, Kirchoff‘s Current Law, Kirchoff‘s voltage law, The single Node – Pair Circuit, series and Parallel Connected Independent Sources, Resistors in Series and Parallel, voltage and current division, Nodal analysis, Mesh analysis.

UNIT II                              NETWORK THEOREM AND DUALITY                                  12 

Useful Circuit Analysis techniques - Linearity and superposition, Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits, Maximum Power Transfer, Delta-Wye Conversion. Duals, Dual circuits. Analysis using dependent current sources and voltage sources 

UNIT III                           SINUSOIDAL STEADY STATE ANALYSIS                                12 

Sinusoidal Steady – State analysis , Characteristics of Sinusoids, The Complex Forcing Function, The Phasor, Phasor relationship for R, L, and C, impedance and Admittance, Nodal and Mesh Analysis, Phasor Diagrams, AC Circuit Power Analysis, Instantaneous Power, Average Power, apparent Power and Power Factor, Complex Power. 

UNIT IV                  TRANSIENTS AND RESONANCE IN RLC CIRCUITS                     12 

Basic RL and RC Circuits, The Source- Free RL Circuit, The Source-Free RC Circuit, The Unit-Step Function, Driven RL Circuits, Driven RC Circuits, RLC Circuits, Frequency Response, Parallel Resonance, Series Resonance, Quality Factor. 

UNIT V                            COUPLED CIRCUITS AND TOPOLOGY                                   12 

Magnetically Coupled Circuits, mutual Inductance, the Linear Transformer, the Ideal Transformer, An introduction to Network Topology, Trees and General Nodal analysis, Links and Loop analysis. 


Practice solving variety of problems 


On successful completion of this course, the student will be able to 

CO1: Apply the basic concepts of circuit analysis such as Kirchoff’s laws, mesh current and node voltage method for analysis of DC and AC circuits.

CO2: Apply suitable network theorems and analyze AC and DC circuits

CO3: Analyze steady state response of any R, L and C circuits

CO4: Analyze the transient response for any RC, RL and RLC circuits and frequency response of parallel and series resonance circuits.

CO5: Analyze the coupled circuits and network topologies

                                                                                                                                             TOTAL: 60


1. Hayt Jack Kemmerly, Steven Durbin, "Engineering Circuit Analysis",Mc Graw Hill education, 9th Edition, 2018. 

2. Charles K. Alexander & Mathew N.O.Sadiku, "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits", Mc GrawHill, 2nd Edition, 2003. 

3. Joseph Edminister and Mahmood Nahvi, ―Electric Circuits, Schaum‘s Outline Series, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, Fifth Edition Reprint 2016. 


1. Robert.L. Boylestead, "Introductory Circuit Analysis", Pearson Education India, 12th Edition, 2014. David Bell, "Fundamentals of Electric Circuits", Oxford University press, 7thEdition, 2009. 

2. John O Mallay, Schaum’s Outlines "Basic Circuit Analysis", The Mc Graw Hill companies, 2nd Edition, 2011 

3. Allan H.Robbins, Wilhelm C.Miller, ―Circuit Analysis Theory and Practice‖, Cengage Learning, Fifth Edition, 1st Indian Reprint 2013  


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Anna University Syllabus Regulation 21 (Sem-2)CIRCUIT ANALYSIS


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