PH3203 PHYSICS FOR GEO - INFORMATICS ENGINEERING Anna University Syllabus Regulation 21




  • To understand the fundamentals of electromagnetic radiation, measurement of radiation and physical laws.
  • To introduce the concepts of atmosphere and scattering principles. To understand the interaction of EMR with atmosphere and to introduce the concept of imaging and non- imaging sensors for atmospheric probing.
  • To gain knowledge about basic optical principles in remote sensing and to introduce the concept of photography and its development.
  • To understand the basics of gravitation and the physics behind it, and to introduce satellites and its effectiveness in earth monitoring.
  • To understand the different types of electro-optic sensors and its detection mechanism

 UNIT I                        ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION                        9

Electromagnetic Spectrum - radiation quantities - spectral quantities - relationship between luminous and radiant quantities - hemisphericalreflectance,transmittance and absorbance, measurement of electromagnetic radiation - responsivity - normalization, radiating structures -thermal emission - fluorescent emission - Radiation principles - Planck‘s law, Wien’s Displacement Law, Stefan’s Boltzmann law, Kirchoff‘s law.

UNIT II     INTERACTION OF EMR WITH ATMOSPHERE AND EARTH’S   SURFACE                                                                                                  9

 Introduction to atmosphere, atmospheric composition, atmospheric scattering, Raleigh scattering, Mie scattering, non-selective scattering -atmospheric absorption - atmospheric windows, refraction - interaction of EMR earth‘s surface - reflection - transmission - spectral signature - Reflectance characteristics of Earth‘s cover type: Vegetation, water, soil - Interaction of microwave with
atmosphere and Earth‘s surface – Radar - Radar operating principle - radar equation - Side Looking Airborne Radar - Definitions: Incidence angle, look angle, depression angle, Azimuth angle Spatial resolution in radar - Synthetic Aperture radar.

UNIT III                      OPTICS FOR REMOTE SENSING                            9

 Lenses, mirrors, prisms - Defects of lens - chromatic aberration - longitudinal chromatic aberration - achromatism of lenses - achromatism for two lenses in contact - separated by a distance - spherical aberration - minimization of Spherical aberration - coma astigmatism - Radiative Transfer Functions, Lamella Pack, Volume scattering - Principles of photography: black and white
photography - sensitivity - speed - characteristic curve - developing and printing - basic colour photography - construction of colour films - film type - types of filter - and its uses.

UNIT IV                       GRAVITATION AND SATELLITES                           9

 Newton‘s law of gravitation - Gravitational field and potential - Determination of gravity, variation of acceleration due to gravity of the earth with depth and with altitude - Variation of acceleration due to gravity due to rotation of the earth Refraction. Diffraction - Fresnel theory, Circular diffraction, Polarisation double refraction - Escape velocity - Kepler‘s law of planetary motion - Doppler effect
Satellites andits functions - Types of satellites Indian satellites and their functions contribution in earth observation, communication, navigation, weather, military and scientific purpose.

UNIT V                        ELECTRO - OPTIC SENSORS                               9

 Photomultipliers, photo resistors, photodiodes, nonselective detectors - Optical receivers, PIN and APD, optical preamplifiers, Detectors: Basic detector mechanisms, noise in detectors. Thermal and photo emissive detectors, Photoconductive and photovoltaic detectors, performance limits,
Photographic, - Sensitivity, time and frequency response - hybrid photo detectors- Imaging detectors - eye and vision, photographic film. Camera tubes, solid-state arrays, video, Detector electronics, detector interfacing - Different CCD cameras.Orbital Mechanics, Concept of orbits- propulsion, aero dynamics, navigation guidance and control.


  • The students will gain knowledge about electromagnetic radiation and its principles.
  • The students will be able to understand the physics of atmosphere and the use of imaging and non-imaging sensor in atmospheric probing.
  • The students will gain knowledge about remote sensing and photography.
  • The students will be encouraged to learn the development of satellite technology in geo- informatics.
  • The students will gain knowledge about different electro optic sensors.     


  1. T.M.Lillesand, R.W.Kiefer and J.W.Chipman. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation. Wiley, 2011.
  2. Manual of Remote Sensing. American Society of Photogrammetry, 2016.
  3. M.Anij Reddy. Textbook of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information systems. BS Publications, 2012.   


  1. D.G.Andrews. An Introduction to Atmospheric Physics. Cambridge University Press, 2010.  
  2. Murry L. Salby, Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate, Cambridge Univ. Press, 2012.
  3. F.G.Smith,T.A.King and D.Wilkins. Optics and Photonics: An Introduction. Wiley-Blackwell , 2007.
  4. Hengnian Li, Geostationary Satellites Collocation, Springer, 2014.
  5. Silvano Donati, Electro-optical Instrumentation: Sensing and measuring with Lasers, Prentice Hall, 2004. 

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