AD3391 DATABASE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT Anna University Syllabus R2021


       AD3391 DATABASE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT Anna University Syllabus R2021

 AD3391 DATABASE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT Anna University Syllabus R2021

AD3391            DATABASE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT            LTPC3003                


  •  To introduce database development life cycle and conceptual modeling
  •  To learn SQL for data definition, manipulation and querying a database
  • To learn relational database design using conceptual mapping and normalization
  •  To learn transaction concepts and serializability of schedules
  •  To learn data model and querying in object-relational and No-SQL databases

UNIT I                          CONCEPTUAL DATA MODELING                                 8
Database environment – Database system development lifecycle – Requirements collection –
Database design -- Entity-Relationship model – Enhanced-ER model – UML class diagrams.

UNIT II                             RELATIONAL MODEL AND SQL                             10
Relational model concepts -- Integrity constraints -- SQL Data manipulation – SQL Data definition –
Views -- SQL programming.

ER and EER-to-Relational mapping – Update anomalies – Functional dependencies – Inference
rules – Minimal cover – Properties of relational decomposition – Normalization (upto BCNF).

UNIT IV                            TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT                                  8

Transaction concepts – properties – Schedules – Serializability – Concurrency Control – Two-phase
locking techniques.

UNIT V                       OBJECT RELATIONAL AND NO-SQL DATABASES                         9

Mapping EER to ODB schema – Object identifier – reference types – rowtypes – UDTs – Subtypes
and supertypes – user-defined routines – Collection types – Object Query Language; No-SQL: CAP
theorem – Document-based: MongoDB data model and CRUD operations; Column-based: Hbase
data model and CRUD operations.

After the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  •  Understand the database development life cycle and apply conceptual modeling
  •  Apply SQL and programming in SQL to create, manipulate and query the database
  •  Apply the conceptual-to-relational mapping and normalization to design relational database
  •  Determine the serializability of any non-serial schedule using concurrency techniques
  • Apply the data model and querying in Object-relational and No-SQL databases.


1. Thomas M. Connolly, Carolyn E. Begg, Database Systems – A Practical Approach to Design,
Implementation, and Management, Sixth Edition, Global Edition, Pearson Education, 2015.
2. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition,
Pearson, 2017.


1. Toby Teorey, Sam Lightstone, Tom Nadeau, H. V. Jagadish, “DATABASE MODELING AND
DESIGN - Logical Design”, Fifth Edition, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2011.
2. Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris, and Peter Rob, Database Systems: Design, Implementation,
and Management, Ninth Edition, Cengage learning, 2012
3. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F Korth, S Sudharshan, “Database System Concepts'', 6th
Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2011.
4. Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D Ullman, Jennifer Widom, "Database Systems:The Complete
Book", 2nd edition, Pearson.
5. Raghu Ramakrishnan, “Database Management Systems'', 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill,
