AL3452 OPERATING SYSTEMS Anna University Syllabus R2021


AL3452 OPERATING SYSTEMS Anna University Syllabus R2021

AL3452 OPERATING SYSTEMS Anna University Syllabus R2021

AL3452                       OPERATING SYSTEMS                L T P C3024


  •  To understand the basics and functions of operating systems.
  •  To understand Processes and Threads
  •  To analyze Scheduling algorithms and process synchronization.
  •  To understand the concept of Deadlocks.
  •  To analyze various memory management schemes.
  •  To be familiar with I/O management and File systems.
  •  To be familiar with the basics of virtual machines and Mobile OS like iOS and Android.

UNIT I                                   INTRODUCTION                             7

Computer System - Elements and organization; Operating System Overview - Objectives and
Functions - Evolution of Operating System; Operating System Structures – Operating System
Services - User Operating System Interface - System Calls – System Programs - Design and
Implementation - Structuring methods.

UNIT II                             PROCESS MANAGEMENT                            11

Processes - Process Concept - Process Scheduling - Operations on Processes - Inter-process
Communication; CPU Scheduling - Scheduling criteria - Scheduling algorithms: Threads -
Multithread Models – Threading issues; Process Synchronization - The critical-section problem -
Synchronization hardware – Semaphores – Mutex - Classical problems of synchronization -
Monitors; Deadlock - Methods for handling deadlocks, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock avoidance,
Deadlock detection, Recovery from deadlock.

UNIT III                            MEMORY MANAGEMENT                              10

Main Memory - Swapping - Contiguous Memory Allocation – Paging - Structure of the Page Table -
Segmentation, Segmentation with paging; Virtual Memory - Demand Paging – Copy on Write - Page
Replacement - Allocation of Frames –Thrashing.

UNIT IV                             STORAGE MANAGEMENT                              10

Mass Storage system – Disk Structure - Disk Scheduling and Management; File-System Interface -
File concept - Access methods - Directory Structure - Directory organization - File system mounting
- File Sharing and Protection; File System Implementation - File System Structure - Directory
implementation - Allocation Methods - Free Space Management; I/O Systems – I/O Hardware,
Application I/O interface, Kernel I/O subsystem.

UNIT V                            VIRTUAL MACHINES AND MOBILE OS                    7

Virtual Machines – History, Benefits and Features, Building Blocks, Types of Virtual Machines and
their Implementations, Virtualization and Operating-System Components; Mobile OS - iOS and


1. Installation of Operating system : Windows/ Linux
2. Illustrate UNIX commands and Shell Programming
3. Process Management using System Calls : Fork, Exec, Getpid, Exit, Wait, Close
4. Write C programs to implement the various CPU Scheduling Algorithms
5. Illustrate the inter process communication strategy
6. Implement mutual exclusion by Semaphores
7. Write a C program to avoid Deadlock using Banker's Algorithm
8. Write a C program to Implement Deadlock Detection Algorithm
9. Write C program to implement Threading
10. Implement the paging Technique using C program
1. Write C programs to implement the following Memory Allocation Methods
a. First Fit b. Worst Fit c. Best Fit
2. Write C programs to implement the various Page Replacement Algorithms
3. Write C programs to Implement the various File Organization Techniques
4. Implement the following File Allocation Strategies using C programs
a. Sequential b. Indexed c. Linked
5. Write C programs for the implementation of various disk scheduling algorithms


At the end of this course, the students will be able to:
CO1: Analyze various scheduling algorithms and process synchronization.
CO2 : Explain deadlock, prevention and avoidance algorithms.
CO3 : Compare and contrast various memory management schemes.
CO4 : Explain the functionality of file systems I/O systems, and Virtualization
CO5 : Compare iOS and Android Operating Systems.


1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin and Greg Gagne, “Operating System Concepts”, 9th
Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2018.
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum, "Modern Operating Systems", Pearson, 4th Edition, New Delhi, 2016.


1. Ramaz Elmasri, A. Gil Carrick, David Levine, “Operating Systems – A Spiral Approach”, Tata
McGraw Hill Edition, 2010.
2. William Stallings, "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles", 7th Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2018.
3. Achyut S.Godbole, Atul Kahate, “Operating Systems”, McGraw Hill Education, 2016

