HS8151 English Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17 (Sem-1)


Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17 (Sem-1) HS8151 English

 HS8151       COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH                                  L T P C 4 0 0 4 

 To develop the basic reading and writing skills of first year engineering and technology students.
 To help learners develop their listening skills, which will, enable them listen to lectures and comprehend them by asking questions; seeking clarifications.
 To help learners develop their speaking skills and speak fluently in real contexts.
 To help learners develop vocabulary of a general kind by developing their reading skills

UNIT I        SHARING INFORMATION RELATED TO ONESELF/FAMILY& FRIENDS    12 Reading- short comprehension passages, practice in skimming-scanning and predicting- Writing- completing sentences- - developing hints. Listening- short texts- short formal and informal conversations.  Speaking- introducing oneself - exchanging personal information- Language development- Wh- Questions- asking and answering-yes or no questions- parts of speech. Vocabulary development-- prefixes- suffixes- articles.- count/ uncount nouns.

UNIT II         GENERAL READING AND  FREE WRITING                                                      12 Reading - comprehension-pre-reading-post reading- comprehension questions (multiple choice questions and /or short questions/ open-ended questions)-inductive reading- short narratives and descriptions from newspapers including dialogues and conversations (also used as short Listening texts)- register- Writing – paragraph writing- topic sentence- main ideas- free writing, short narrative descriptions using some suggested vocabulary and structures –Listening- telephonic conversations. Speaking – sharing information of a personal kind—greeting – taking leave- Language development – prepositions, conjunctions Vocabulary development- guessing meanings of words in context.

UNIT III        GRAMMAR AND LANGUAGE  DEVELOPMENT                                              12 Reading- short texts and longer passages (close reading) Writing- understanding text structure- use of reference words and discourse markers-coherence-jumbled sentences Listening – listening to longer texts and filling up the table- product description- narratives from different sources. Speaking- asking about routine actions and expressing opinions. Language development- degrees of comparison- pronouns- direct vs indirect questions- Vocabulary development – single word substitutes- adverbs.

UNIT IV        READING AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT                                                  12 Reading- comprehension-reading longer texts- reading different types of texts- magazines Writing- letter writing, informal or personal letters-e-mails-conventions of personal email- Listening- listening to dialogues or conversations and completing exercises based on them. Speaking- speaking about oneself- speaking about one‘s friend- Language development- Tenses- simple present-simple past- present continuous and past continuous- Vocabulary development- synonyms-antonyms- phrasal verbs

UNIT V         EXTENDED WRITING                                                                                              12 Reading- longer texts- close reading –Writing- brainstorming -writing short essays –  developing an outline- identifying main and subordinate ideas- dialogue writing-Listening – listening to talks- conversations- Speaking – participating in conversations- short group conversations-Language development-modal verbs- present/ past perfect tense - Vocabulary development-collocations- fixed and semi-fixed expressions.

•  Read articles of a general kind in magazines and newspapers. 
•  Participate effectively in informal conversations; introduce themselves and their friends and    express opinions in English.
•  Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English
•  Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English.

1.  Board of Editors. Using English A Coursebook for Undergarduate Engineers and Technologists. Orient BlackSwan Limited, Hyderabad: 2015
2.  Richards, C. Jack. Interchange Students’ Book-2 New Delhi: CUP, 2015.

1.  Bailey, Stephen. Academic Writing: A practical guide for students. New York: Rutledge,2011.
2.  Means,L. Thomas and Elaine Langlois.  English & Communication For Colleges. CengageLearning ,USA: 2007
3.  Redston, Chris &Gillies Cunningham Face2Face (Pre-intermediate Student‘s Book& Workbook) Cambridge University Press, New Delhi: 2005
4.  Comfort, Jeremy, et al. Speaking Effectively: Developing Speaking Skills for Business English. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge: Reprint 2011
5.  Dutt P. Kiranmai and Rajeevan Geeta. Basic Communication Skills, Foundation Books: 2013.

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Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17 (Sem-1) English

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