EC8352 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17

EC8352 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Anna University Syllabus Regulation 17

EC8352               SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS        L T P C 4 0 0 4 

 To understand the basic properties of signal & systems  To know the methods of characterization of LTI systems in time domain  To analyze continuous time signals and system in the Fourier and Laplace domain  To analyze discrete time signals and system in the Fourier and Z transform domain  
UNIT I   CLASSIFICATION OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS                                                      12 Standard signals- Step, Ramp, Pulse, Impulse, Real and complex exponentials and Sinusoids_ Classification of signals – Continuous time (CT) and Discrete Time (DT) signals, Periodic & Aperiodic signals, Deterministic & Random signals, Energy & Power signals - Classification of systems- CT systems and DT systems- – Linear & Nonlinear, Time-variant & Time-invariant, Causal & Non-causal, Stable & Unstable.

UNIT II  ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS TIME SIGNALS                                                         12 Fourier series for periodic signals - Fourier Transform – properties- Laplace Transforms and properties

UNIT III  LINEAR TIME INVARIANT CONTINUOUS TIME SYSTEMS                              12 Impulse response - convolution integrals- Differential Equation- Fourier and Laplace transforms in Analysis of CT systems - Systems connected in series / parallel.

UNIT IV  ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE TIME SIGNALS                                                               12 Baseband signal Sampling – Fourier Transform of discrete time signals (DTFT) – Properties of DTFT - Z Transform & Properties

UNIT V  LINEAR TIME INVARIANT-DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS                                       12 Impulse response – Difference equations-Convolution sum- Discrete Fourier Transform and Z Transform Analysis of Recursive & Non-Recursive systems-DT systems connected in series and parallel.

OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, the student should be able to:  To be able to determine if a given system is linear/causal/stable  Capable of determining the frequency components present in a deterministic signal  Capable of characterizing LTI systems in the time domain and frequency domain  To be able to compute the output of an LTI system in the time and frequency domains

1. Allan V.Oppenheim, S.Wilsky and S.H.Nawab, ―Signals and Systems‖, Pearson, 2015.(Unit 1-V)

1. B. P. Lathi, ―Principles of Linear Systems and Signals‖, Second Edition, Oxford, 2009.
2. R.E.Zeimer, W.H.Tranter and R.D.Fannin, ―Signals & Systems - Continuous and Discrete‖, Pearson, 2007.
3. John Alan Stuller, ―An Introduction to Signals and Systems‖, Thomson, 2007.

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